пʼятниця, 12 листопада 2010 р.

The exhibition of Scandinavian art and design

In The Scandinavia House was opened the large-scale exhibition "Nordic Models + Common Ground" which embrace a huge variety of the contemporary Scandinavian art and design. As participations were invited artists and designers from all Scandinavian countries. The exhibition includes works of 35 authors from Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
For more then one hundred years the Scandinavian design is associated with excellent quality, ergonomic, and most functional things. The main concept of design work always was the functionality from the human’s point of view. And in case if the idea was successful in all characteristics but didn’t have its functional part-it is was just refused. Such trend was used not only in design but was the foundation idea also in the Nordic Art. Proximity to man, clarity and a minimum of uncomfortable elements - all these components were an integral part of Scandinavian art of the twentieth century.
The mission of the exhibition "Nordic Models + Common Ground" is to highlight modern situation in the Scandinavian design and art. The exposition covers a wide range of areas and genres: architecture, product design, fine arts, graphic arts, fashion and photography. The sponsor of exhibition and the president of American-Scandinavian Edward P. Gallagher explain the variety of exhibits in the follow way: "This exhibition illustrates our desire to investigate in detail all the modern achievements of design and art with such a rich tradition." "The Scandinavian model + Common Interest" confirms that the main trends that dominate the Scandinavian art 50 years old survive to this day.
Date: up 9th of Mach 2011 Place: USA, New York, The Scandinavia House

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